A type of massage therapy, deep tissue massage involves applying firm pressure and slow strokes to reach the deepest muscle layers and fascia (the connective tissue that surrounds the muscles). It is used for chronic pain and contracted areas such as neck and upper back stiffness, lower back pain, leg muscle tension and shoulder pain.
Potential Benefits
Deep tissue massage usually focuses on a specific problem, such as chronic muscle pain, injury rehabilitation, and the following conditions:
- low back pain
- Limited mobility
- Recovery from injuries (e.g. whiplash, falls)
- Repetitive strain injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome
- Posture problems
- Muscle tension in hamstrings, glutes, computer band, legs, quadriceps, rhomboids, upper back
- Osteoarthritis pain
- Sciatica
- Piriformis Syndrome
- Tennis elbow
- Fibromyalgia
- Pain in the upper back or neck
All of these benefits have not been scientifically proven. But if you’re interested in a massage to prevent sports injuries, address sports-specific concerns, or to aid muscle recovery after sports, consider getting a massage.
What to expect
Deep tissue massage techniques are used to break up scar tissue and to physically break down muscle “knots” or adhesions (bands of painful, stiff tissue) that can disrupt circulation and cause pain, limited range of motion and inflammation.
Although some of the movements are identical to those used in Swedish massage therapy, deep tissue massage is not a more powerful version of a Swedish massage.
At the start of a deep tissue massage, lighter pressure is usually applied to warm and prepare the muscles. Specific techniques are then applied. Common techniques include
- Stripping: Deep, gliding pressure is applied along the length of muscle fibers using the elbow, forearm, knuckles, and thumbs.
- Friction: Pressure is applied to the grain of a muscle to release adhesions and realign tissue fibers.
Massage therapists can use the fingertips, knuckles, hands, elbows, and forearms during a deep tissue massage. You may be asked to take deep breaths while the massage therapist works on the tense areas.
After the massage, you may feel some stiffness or pain, but this should subside within a day or so. Do not hesitate to contact your massage therapist if you have any concerns or if you experience pain after a massage.
Does deep tissue massage hurt?
At times during the massage, you may feel some discomfort or even pain as the massage therapist works on areas where there are adhesions or scar tissue.
The pain is not necessarily good, and it is not a sign that the massage will be effective. In fact, your body may tense up in response to pain, making it harder for the therapist to reach deeper muscles.
You should always tell your massage therapist if you feel any pain during the massage. The therapist may adjust the technique or further prepare the tissues if the superficial muscles are tight.
Precautions and side effects
Deep tissue massage may not be safe for people with blood clots (eg, thrombophlebitis or deep vein thrombosis), due to the risk of them dislodging.
If you have recently undergone surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or if you suffer from another medical condition, it is advisable to consult your doctor before starting massage therapy. Some people with osteoporosis need to avoid the deeper pressures of this type of massage.
Massage should not be performed directly over bruises, inflamed or infected skin, rashes, unhealed or open wounds, tumors, abdominal hernia, weak bones or areas of recent fractures. Massage can cause bruising and, rarely, hematoma (a localized collection of blood outside of blood cells), venous thromboembolism, and a condition known as accessory spinal neuropathy.
Deep tissue massage can also lead to bruising. There have been case reports of venous thromboembolism, spinal accessory neuropathy, hepatic hematoma, and posterior interosseous syndrome after deep tissue massage.
Deep tissue massage is more than just massage with deep pressure. The objectives and techniques are different from those of a Swedish massage. Although it can be helpful in certain conditions, remember that massage doesn’t always have to hurt or make your body sore to be effective. To get the most out of your massage, contact your massage therapist.