Foot massage is not only therapeutic but also a preventive measure that prevents their occurrence.
The problem of swelling of the lower extremities is familiar to many people of all ages around the world. The fight against the disease must be started in a timely manner in order to avoid negative consequences and complications.
Causes of swelling of the legs
Swelling can occur for various reasons:
- Long stay on the legs
- Excessive fluid intake
- Excess weight
- Flat feet
- Narrow shoes
- High heels
The accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues can also occur against the background of:
- Renal pathology
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system
- Diabetes
- Allergic diseases
Treatment of leg swelling is carried out in different ways, but only after an accurate diagnosis has been made. As a rule, complex therapy to eliminate puffiness includes massage in the absence of contraindications.
Types of foot massage for swelling
There are various types of foot massage, but the most common and frequently used are:
- Deep – involving a thorough study of tissues in combination with the treatment of a disease that causes swelling;
- Segmental – refers to reflexology, since during its implementation the effect on internal organs is transmitted through the skin;
- Point – when performing such a foot massage, certain active points are affected.
When is a massage scheduled?
Massage is prescribed for:
impaired blood flow leading to swelling. Massage procedures improve the condition of the skin, and activate the lymph flow and blood flow.
When is massage contraindicated?
At first glance, a harmless foot massage procedure has several contraindications. This:
- Thrombosis;
- Fever;
- Skin diseases;
- Allergic rash;
- Abscesses;
- Atherosclerosis;
- Neoplasms;
- Aortic aneurysm;
- Heart attack;
- Osteomyelitis;
- Mental disorders;
- Blood diseases and problems with its coagulability.
Before going for a massage, you should consult with your doctor.
Benefits of massage
Massage procedures for swelling of the legs help to improve blood flow, and reduce cellulite. After the restoration of normal blood circulation, excess fluid is removed from the tissues and metabolic processes are activated.
Massage relieves tension in the legs and relieves muscle pain. Acupressure of the feet has a beneficial effect on the internal organs and on well-being in general. After a pleasant procedure, a person is charged with energy and positive!
Professional massage
If you need to undergo massage procedures in South Africa some people, try to do it on their own.
But in order to achieve the desired result and not harm your health, you must have special knowledge and skills in performing massage. Therefore, we advise you to find any massage therapist near you from our list, where you can have massage sessions performed by highly qualified specialists.