This procedure is considered special, and it is chosen very often, calling it an alternative to all possible analogs. This is justified: SPA massage really has a lot of benefits and often brings great results.
However, can it always replace the classic medical procedure? Before you finally make a choice, you should learn more about this massage!
What it is?
A professional spa massage performed by a qualified master is a complex of different approaches.
It combines various techniques, provides relaxation, healing, and even the treatment of certain ailments, and at the same time, the specialist can use techniques borrowed from different cultures of massage.
There are elements of European, African, and Asian approaches here, and that is why such an impact is considered unique.
Moreover, SPA massage is also unusual in that it does not involve exposure to only one area of the body.
It is universal, and its techniques can be used in the treatment of certain symptoms, in achieving the effect of relaxation, and as part of cosmetic procedures. In this case, the impact has special rules:
- The massage therapist does not just use traditional techniques (kneading and rubbing the skin and muscles according to a certain pattern), but uses auxiliary “forces”, and one of the most important is the power of water.
- It is advisable to carry out the procedure near natural mineral springs, where you can use the healing properties of water in full force.
- The impact is aimed at healing and rejuvenating the body – often it is the SPA massage that helps to achieve an excellent anti-aging effect, and it is often made the final stage in a complex of complex anti-aging procedures.
- The main principle of work, which the master focuses on, is the principle of the unity of body and spirit, adopted in the East: only with this in mind, the massage will be complete, because only in this case it is able to use the patient’s main 5 senses.
However, spa massage should not be reduced to the simple effect of water jets on the body. Technologies and techniques of the procedure are constantly evolving, and modern salons offer unique approaches that combine many working methods.
What is better – medical or spa massage?
In fact, these procedures cannot be compared, because they have different approaches and goals.
But if the SPA-effect is organized correctly, in some cases it can become an alternative to the therapeutic one. The latter involves primarily a manual effect on the muscles and skin.
This helps to relieve several symptoms, remove pain, improve the condition of organs and systems. However, very often this is not enough, and it is in such cases that SPA massage is used. Its zest is in an expanded range of interventions that will help in the treatment of diseases, in restoring the body, and in relieving stress.
In this case, the master can:
- use aromatic oils (they are selected depending on what results should be achieved with massage);
- use hardware methods of influence;
- resort to elements of acupuncture;
- use water differently – it can be the impact of a jet of water, or there can be different types of shower or bath;
- apply stones, combining spa massage with stones massage.
Thanks to this, the procedure turns into a full-fledged effect on the body, and even if only one zone is worked out, the whole body still receives healing assistance.
When is a medical approach needed?
The masters note that the classic medical massage should not be completely replaced by SPA procedures.
Most often, the therapeutic effect is prescribed by a doctor, and it is this that is not just a means of healing the body, but also an effective medical technique – a kind of addition to medicines and other traditional therapies. With massage you can:
- complete the rehabilitation of the body after pneumonia
- eliminate the residual effects of any diseases
- restore muscle tone after injuries and fractures
- eliminate back pain associated with the deposition of salts
- remove the symptoms of certain neurological diseases.
An important task is not only to choose a suitable massage course but also to discuss it with your doctor. In some situations, even a very effective integrated approach may not be enough, since the body also needs other types of treatment.
And sometimes specialists can prescribe two types of massage at once – both medical and SPA. They perfectly complement each other, and if you need comprehensive help, you can only rely on this technique.
These types of massages can be carried out by professional masters who can be found in Massage24. Here you can not only get advice on choosing the right procedure and experience the most modern approaches to influencing the body, but also choose other ways of rejuvenation and recovery for yourself.
One of the most effective is relaxing Thai massage, which not only restores strength but renews the whole body.