The movements of the massage therapist during the Thai massage are aimed at the acupuncture points of the body. This kind of wellness procedure is carried out through clothing.
Having received a gift certificate for a Thai massage, the presenter must certainly know how best to prepare for the procedure so that it brings maximum benefit. Take advantage of these recommendations.
The body must be clean, clothing – loose, cotton.
Eating should be at least 2 hours before visiting the salon. It is better to eat the lightest food. Water can be drunk an hour before the procedure, but no more than half a glass.
Usually in reputable salons, massage clothes are provided. If you bring your own clothes, they need to be washed with quality detergents after each session.
When receiving a Thai massage with hot oil (to improve metabolism, nourish the skin, relieve pain and stress), the body is maximally freed from clothing, but those parts of it that are not removed will be soaked in oil. It is worth considering this when preparing.
Both the massage therapist and the client must be in a good mood, with pure thoughts. Only in this case, after the session, a state of complete relaxation and peace will come.
You will feel the flow of energy, the condition of the skin will improve, the headache and swelling will disappear. Several massage sessions help to cleanse toxins, lose weight, and relieve orthopedic problems, including those associated with the spine.
Features of massage types and preparation for them
The best preparation for such a procedure as Thai foot massage is to keep the feet clean and the skin on the feet in a constantly processed form.
The masseur will use special sticks to diagnose the whole body by the reflex reaction of the feet, so the skin should not be hard.
If your problem area is the abdomen, eating is carried out at least 6 hours before the procedure. In the process of general massage, you can describe your problem to the massage therapist (for example, fat deposits on the abdomen or loose skin), and he will pay special attention to this.
Doctor’s permission
An important measure of readiness for the procedure is to visit the attending physician and consult with him about the massage.
For some pathologies, Thai massage, including massage with heated bags of herbs, stones, or scrub, is unacceptable. It is harmful during exacerbations of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, pregnancy, varicose veins, and other diseases.
Psychological attitude
No less important is such a moment as the correct psychological attitude. It is traditionally believed that the master will not bring pain to his client.
But some techniques, such as rotating the joints to release blocks, can be a little painful. You should be prepared for this.
Let’s debunk the myth that a real Thai massage can only be obtained in Thailand. This is not true!
Thai massage in South Africa can be done anywhere, visit our listing to see more.