In the treatment of many diseases, various massage techniques are used, which are included in complex therapy. Each of the massages has its own characteristics.
Thai massage with bags is a unique technique that combines aromatherapy, acupuncture, and yoga, which provides a thermal effect on biologically active points. In this case, the bags can be heated or cooled to a certain temperature.
Massage with bags has a good effect in relieving psycho-emotional and stressful conditions, eliminates muscle-energy block, and treats certain types of diseases. You can have Thai massage sessions anywhere in South Africa.
What are pouches?
As the name suggests, herbal pouches are handmade in Thailand.
The healing collection, which is placed inside, can have 10-40 types of medicinal plants. The effectiveness of their impact on certain areas depends on the size of the bags and their composition.
For the manufacture of medical devices, natural cotton and linen are used. To ensure convenient work, the bags are equipped with a wooden handle. Considering that particles of the epidermis and fatty secretions remain on the bags during the procedure, they can be used strictly individually for one person.
The contents of the pouch
Massage with hot bags can be called an analog of a hot compress in terms of effects on the body. So, content plays a big role here.
The healing collection placed in a bag can contain up to 40 types of medicinal plants, including:
- mountain
- ginger
- turmeric
- aromatic turmeric
- camphor
- patchouli
- lemongrass
- cryptolepsis bukhanai,
- kefir-lime.
Each of these plants has its own characteristics and acts on the body in different ways.
When is a massage scheduled?
Thai massage with bags is prescribed in the following cases:
- With chronic fatigue syndrome
- With stress
- With muscle imbalance
- With chronic acute pain in the muscles;
- With spasticity and tension in the muscles;
- With the restriction of movements in the joints and functional blockade of the joints;
- With fluid retention in tissues;
- With intoxication;
- With hyperdynamic and a sedentary lifestyle.
- Also, massage with bags is carried out as a warming procedure for tissues before manual therapy.
- When should the procedure not be done?
- This massage should not be done to people who suffer from:
- Diabetes mellitus;
- Cardiovascular diseases.
Massage is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women, and people who are intoxicated. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure immediately after eating.
Before undergoing a massage course, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. In our Massage24, you can get different types of massage, including Thai bag massage, which is performed by experienced professionals with relevant knowledge and skills.
You can always find out the prices for massage with herbal bags in the relevant sections of our website.